<aside> šŸ“š Mission: The purpose of the WSUV Craft nā€™ Creations is to provide a safe environment where students can express themselves creatively. WSUV Crafting Club will hold events and provide supplies that are open to everyone. Participants will be able to practice different and learn new skills.


<aside> šŸ““ Officers: (President) (Vice-President)


<aside> šŸ·ļø Advisor:


<aside> ā° Meetings Location - Time - Club Meetings - Officer Meetings -


<aside> šŸ“ø Socials: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/craftsncreationsclub/?igshid=NzNkNDdiOGI%3D Coug Presence Page - https://vancouver-wsu.presence.io/organization/crafts-n-creations Discord -
